1401 Elm Street

1401 Elm Street, Dallas, featuring exterior honeycomb cladding by HyCOMB Panels

Project Information

Originally built in the 1960s to serve as the National Bank Building, 1401 Elm Street is the tallest skyscraper in Dallas in the United States of America. 

  • Location: Dallas, Texas, U.S
  • Featured Product: Marble Honeycomb Panels
  • Surface Skin: 6MM PENTELIKON honed +19mm aluminium honeycomb panel backing
  • Application: Exterior cladding
  • Area: 13,000m²

About the Project

Located in North Texas, Dallas is largely perceived to be a commercial and cultural hub within the region, with 1401 Elm Street one of the city’s most well-known buildings. When 1401 Elm Street was first completed in 1965, it was at that point the tallest building in the United States west of the Mississippi River.

Having been acquired by new owners, the decsion was taken to renovate the facade cladding by applying HyCOMB’s impressive stone honeycomb panels, with marble selected as the stone of choice.

The stone itself was sourced from a quarry in Greece and added an abundance of unique charm and character, as it was the same marble used in the world-famous Parthenon of the Acropolis which dates back to 447 BC. 

To ensure the renovation process remained as sustainable and environmentally responsible as possible, the existing stone was taken down from the building and shipped to HyCOMB’s facility where it was recycled to create new stone honeycomb panels. In addition to creating new panels for interior cladding, remnants from the cutting process were repurposed for use as elevator floors, lobby flooring, and flooring on the 9th-floor amenity deck.

The new facade not only restored the building’s impressive appearance, it also upgraded its structural integrity thanks to the reinforcement provided by the honeycomb backing. 

The restoration drew national coverage from major media outlets, which drew huge levels of attention and has cemented stone honeycomb panels as a leading cladding material ever since.

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